About the system of monitoring of transport

About the system of monitoring of transport

By means of modern equipment and specialized software, you will be able to see, control, analyse and manage work of monitoring objects: by a motor transport, special vehicles storage facilities and another movable and static objects of your company. The system of the satellite monitoring gives possibility to get real-time or for certain period data about the exact location of transport, to carry out monitoring of the different indexes related to his work: run, speed, outages, to get alarm signals, control the expense of fuel, control deviation from the set route, to watch a temperature in a salon and motor temperature and other great deal.

An operative receipt and analysis of exact data about work of autopark provide:

  • complete control of work of drivers, adherence of chart of motion
  • the exposure and prevention of different violations and abuses (violation of the speed mode, plum of fuel, postscript in the ground folias)
  • the tracking for technical serviceability of different knots and aggregates of transport and special technique
  • the control of terms of transportation and storage of loads (temperature condition etc.)
  • the support of continuous connection between a driver and controller, operative reacting on nonpermanent situations
  • the decision of wide spectrum of the specialized branch tasks (more detailed in the division of Decision)

Automation of management by autopark through the system of monitoring provides an:

  • wide possibilities for the operative and strategic planning of work of transport
  • the increase of efficiency of his use
  • Cutback of spending on the FLM
  • the eradication of the unauthorized use of transport vehicle
  • the strengthening of labour discipline of personnel
  • assists of decreasing the operating cost
  • provides safety of transportations
  • the prevention of nonpermanent situations
  • the increase of services qualities
  • the prevention of driving away of transport
  • the organization of the administrative account related with work of transport.

Verified recoupment of expenses

The most part of our clients mark a considerable improvement in-process enterprise already in the first months of the use of our system. The system pays back itself in the first 4 months and begins to bring profits of company as an economy after the indicated period. In support of our statement, you can become familiar with opinion our clients and will make sure in it independently.

Our clients about the system of monitoring

«We are content with our decision to apply the system of the satellite monitoring of company ТОО Monitoring plus. The monitoring system considerably improved a management process our company, substantially brought down expenses on FLM and promoted general discipline of employees. The review of data in real time about our transport vehicles improved the level of service of customers. Due to individual approach of analysts of company LLP Monitoring plus, we succeeded to influence the effective system of reports and advising about activity of employees of our company. I very recommend their services all companies, sure you will see the benefit of the monitoring system from the first day of her use». GKP «Tazalyk 2000» Tolpinskiy Andrey Director

«The use of the system of monitoring of transport worked out problems on collection of information about a run and location of car, and also about deviations from the set route of motion and about violations of the speed mode. On the base of developments of company LLP Monitoring a plus we opened out whole complex on a management by the autopark of our company. It helped considerably to simplify control of writing of FLM and promote discipline of drivers.» LLP «Altyn Omyr» Bridun Anatoliy Director