System opportunities
The system of monitoring of transport is the system from distance GPS/GLONASS monitoring from one to a few hundred transport vehicles. This is full GPS-control of motion of transport on basic parameters. The systems of control transport will allow to you operatively to analyse work of a transport department, that will become the best decision of task of providing of safety of freight transportations. The satellite system of control of transport helps more effectively to manage any autopark and easily to optimize the expenses related to his maintenance.
The system of control at the transport provides:
- pursuit, management and analysis of current status of the controlled objects
- control of transport — observance of office hours
- increase of efficiency of the use of transport vehicles and special technique
- prevention of possibility of theft of fuel
- decrease cost on repair of transport
- exposure of unconscientious workers
- increase of efficiency of planning of routes and safety of freight transportations
- an accumulation and systematization of all information are in a database.
System GPS/GLONASS of control of transport carries out control after a transport on next parameters:
- current location
- passed route on the set control points
- rate of movement
- fact of including of Ignition
- an amount of fuel is in tanks
- travel expense of fuel
- expense of fuel, his refill and drain
- work-load, position of mechanisms (for special equipment), opening of doors, hood, knocking over of basket etc
- time en route
- time and parking space
- number of hour meter
- connection of the «anxious button» < < connection of the «anxious button»
- management by executive devices
- a presence of passengers is in a car.
GLONASS the checking of transport systems also allow:
- to represent the routes of accountable objects for any period of time
- to represent on a map positions of transport vehicles in current moment to time (on-line control of transport)
- save all information in the local database of the system GPS/GLONASS control of motion of transport, allowing not to have permanent connection to Internet
- save all information during a few days on leaving transport from the zone of action of network of GSM
- make reports on the visit of objects and automatically contrast them with the travel lists
- to make tabular and graphic reports on the expense of fuel, run, speed, to time on the way etc.
- for any period on every transport vehicle or driver
- to save reports in popular formats (pdf, excel, cvs, html, xml etc.) and straight outtype.